Is a Tortoise for Sale the Right Pet for Me

If you're considering purchasing a tortoise for sale, there are a number of factors to take into account before making a decision. Pets can come with significant lifestyle changes, particularly if you're new to pet ownership. In this article, we'll explore aspects of a tortoise's diet, temperament, habitat requirements, and more to help you determine if a pet tortoise is right for you.


While each tortoise is unique in terms of temperament, certain species are known to be friendlier than others. Some tortoises have distinct personalities and behavior that vary depending on a range of factors. For example, Sulcatas are generally social and enjoy being touched and petted, while Redfoots can be quite playful and affectionate, making them excellent companions. Russians tend to be more bold and more fearless, though they may be a bit timid initially.


Understanding your tortoise's habits is essential to creating a suitable habitat. Although habits can vary from one tortoise to the next, there are certain behaviors that are common among most species. Tortoises love to burrow and often prefer to go over obstacles rather than around them. They also enjoy escaping and hiding, so ensure that the enclosure is high enough to prevent escape and that there are plenty of hiding places for your tortoise. While tortoises can unintentionally bite when hand-fed, they generally don't bite willingly.


Tortoises start out small and adorable, but they can grow hundreds of times their size over the years. While you may be able to purchase a tortoise that fits comfortably in a small tank, you'll eventually need to find a large hutch where it can live comfortably. Tortoises love to climb and escape their enclosures, so a sturdy, breakout-proof cage is necessary. Glass enclosures are not recommended since tortoises prefer privacy and can become stressed by having four glass walls that don't allow them to hide. If you must use glass, cover three sides and ensure there is enough space to hide. If you're keeping your tortoise outside, a spacious hutch is ideal, while an indoor tortoise can be kept in a plastic swimming pool or homemade cage.


A tortoise's diet is relatively straightforward. For optimal health, provide a variety of plant-based foods and protein from live feed. Around 80% of your tortoise's diet should consist of fresh vegetables such as sweet potato, kale, and squash. Every third or fourth feeding, offer fruit, but keep in mind that only about 20% of their diet should consist of fruit. While humans might love fruit, it's important to ensure that your tortoise gets the appropriate balance of nutrients.